‍♀Best Postpartum Exercise: When to Start and How to Do It


What could be more beautiful to be a mom? Be a beautiful and slender mom. Walking with a stroller in your own "pre-pregnant" things, causing the legitimate envy of friends and the admiration of your husband and others. A woman, even after becoming a mother, wants to remain beautiful and like herself. This is real. It's just that one of the mothers is able to start active training already a month or two after giving birth, for someone the recovery period is stretched several times. We'll talk about the best exercises after childbirth and the timing of the start of training below.

Objective reasons for postponing the start of classes

  • Change in life rhythm. Pregnancy is a different life, during which habits, and often character, change completely. A woman learns to move measuredly and smoothly, without jerking. It can be difficult to rebuild into the dynamic rhythm of a previous life, especially if the birth was complicated.
  • Stress and overwork. The appearance of a new man in the family implies an increased burden on a woman and an increase in worries. It is difficult to find time for yourself, especially if there is no one to look after the child. In addition, childbirth in itself is stress for the body, after which time trouble almost immediately sets in: feeding and sleeping by the clock, washing diapers, etc.

What not to do

First and foremost, don't be nervous. Stress will cause additional complications and slow down the regeneration process. Immediately you need to understand: active physical activity is contraindicated for at least two months after childbirth. This can also include swimming and any narrowly focused training on the press. In case of violation of the resting regime and premature transition to the activity phase, diastasis (divergence of the rectus muscles of the press) can be earned and uterine bleeding can be provoked. It must be understood that the uterus is an open wound immediately after childbirth. And for any open wounds, active actions are contraindicated, since they increase blood circulation and threaten with bleeding.

It takes 6 to 8 weeks to heal and restore the previous state of the uterus and muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor, in the case of operative delivery, ruptures or incisions during childbirth, the recovery period increases to 2-3 months.

When to start and what you can do

Already on the third day after giving birth, you can begin to perform exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and contract the uterus.

Important! You can practice only after permission or on the recommendation of a gynecologist. Even if childbirth proceeded naturally and without complications, it is impossible to draw up a training program on your own, this is the case when initiative is punishable.

Kegel gymnastics

This is the first place to start.American gynecologist Arnold Kegel in 1952 developed a special technique to strengthen the internal muscles of the vagina, uterus and small pelvis, preparing a woman for a further active life after childbirth and accelerating the rehabilitation process after delivery. Over the past decades, the complex has been refined and improved, and now it is successfully used on the recommendation and under the supervision of gynecologists. At first, it will take no more than 10 minutes to complete the full complex. In the future, focusing on your own feelings and the body's response to exercises, the execution time should be gradually increased. The first 5-10 days it is enough to perform any three exercises of the complex to choose from. Gradually, over the next 10 days, you need to master the rest of the complex.

To know how to do exercises correctly, you need to understand which muscles to work with. To do this, you need to squeeze the perineum as if it were required to restrain urination. Tense muscles are the Kegel muscles involved in all exercises of the complex. At the initial stage of training, slight discomfort is possible.

Important! There should be no pain - this indicates either that the exercises are being performed incorrectly, or that even this type of stress is contraindicated for mommy.

Classic abbreviations

Contract the Kegel muscles for 5 seconds. Unclench. Repeat 10 times. Gradually, the delay time in the compressed state needs to be increased to 10 seconds, and the number of repetitions - up to 15 times. This should be done gradually, focusing on sensations.


  • Strengthens the walls of the vagina;
  • Effective for uterine contraction;
  • Promotes the accelerated elimination of lochia (bloody postpartum discharge), excluding their stagnation in the uterus.


  • At the initial stage, it causes discomfort, it is difficult to perform;
  • It feels like nothing is exercising.

Fast cuts

Perform classic contractions and relax as quickly as possible. For a start, 5 contractions and 5 relaxations will be enough, respectively. Gradually, the number of repetitions should be increased to 10-12.


  • Strengthens the muscles of the perineum, increases their elasticity;
  • Prevention of postpartum hemorrhoids;
  • Strengthening the internal muscles of the press.


  • The discharge may increase - this is normal, it indicates that the uterus has begun to contract.

Respiratory contractions

Inhale slowly and as deeply as possible, while squeezing the Kegel muscles to the limit. In the limiting position (inhalation + compression), you need to linger for 3 seconds. Relax on a slow, smooth exhalation. The number of repetitions is from 3 to 5. Gradually you need to increase the delay time to 5-7 seconds.


  • Strengthening the abdominal wall;
  • Training of the internal muscles of the small pelvis.


  • It is difficult to concentrate on two actions at once (inhalation and contraction).


It is performed similarly to respiratory contractions, only inhalation and exhalation should not be smooth, but sharp, as well as contraction and relaxation of muscles, as if pushing air with their help.


  • Strengthening the internal muscles of the press;
  • Prevention of blood stagnation in the small pelvis.


  • It is difficult enough to concentrate on breathing and working with muscles at the same time.

Static abbreviations

The point is to squeeze the Kegel muscles as much as possible, staying in this position for at least 5 seconds. Repeat three times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 5. Gradually, the delay time should be increased to 15 seconds. Breathing is calm and even.


  • Increases the strength and elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles;
  • Can be performed while breastfeeding - this will speed up the process of uterine contraction, which starts immediately after the baby has taken the breast;
  • Promotes the early elimination of lochia, which is very beneficial for the uterus - it will contract faster, returning to its original state.


  • May cause discomfort.

The Kegel complex is even suitable for nursing mothers and can be performed 48 hours after childbirth with the permission of a gynecologist. The complex can be performed in any position: sitting, lying down, or even putting the baby to the breast.

What's next?

And then you can move on to more complex training options, of course, after the uterus returns to its original state and shrinks to normal size. But first you need to consult with a gynecologist - focusing on the features of the birth process and the current state of the patient, he will decide whether it is permissible to increase the activity of training.

Mothers who were actively involved in sports before childbirth can resume training already 3-4 weeks after the birth of the baby, of course, in the absence of contraindications and compliance with a gentle exercise regimen. For those who did not practice sports training before pregnancy, it is better to refrain from active actions in this direction and pay attention to the restorative complex, compiled jointly by fitness trainers and gynecologists. A significant contribution to its formation was made by the famous supermodel Cindy Crawford, who independently restored her shape after the birth of a child, and Jillian Michaels, a personal fitness trainer who participated in television show training and developed her own program for recovery after pregnancy. Based on their developments, a rating of quality exercises was compiled for a figure that "floated" after childbirth.

Strengthening the press

It is not yet possible to swing the press, but you can prepare it for the upcoming loads in order to avoid diastasis and complications.

Below is an overview of the best abdominal exercises for the internal abdominal muscles. They are absolutely universal and safe, suitable for both young girls and older women.


On a deep breath, draw in the stomach as much as possible, fixing the abdominal muscles, keeping them in tension, release air from the lungs with small exhalations. Repeat at least 5 times in 2-3 sets. Gradually, the number of repetitions increases to 8-10, the number of approaches should be at least 3.


  • Strengthens the internal press;
  • Versatile - can be performed from almost any position and at any time, even with a child.


  • Affects the internal muscles, there is no visual effect, which can reduce motivation.


A simpler type of abdominal training. The bottom line is to draw in the stomach as much as possible, as if trying to reach the back with the stomach from the inside, and stay in this position for at least 15 seconds. Gradually, the delay time should be at least 30 seconds, it should be increased gradually, carefully monitoring the state of health - there should be no pain. A slight burning sensation is quite acceptable.


  • Strengthens the abdominal wall and internal muscles of the press;
  • You don't need to concentrate on breathing and muscle tension at the same time.


  • You may not expect quick results if the internal abdominal muscles have never been trained before.

Among other things, these exercises effective for diastasis rectus abdominis muscles - they force them to gradually return to their original position. For a sagging abdomen after childbirth, they will also be useful, gradually strengthening the abdominal wall and returning it to its original state. Due to this, the stomach will tighten.

Further - the rating of more intense trainings for different muscle groups. Initially, the number of repetitions does not exceed 5 in 3 approaches. Gradually, over the course of 2-3 weeks (depending on the mother's condition), the number of repetitions for each exercise increases to 15.

Raising the pelvis

You need to lie on your back with your knees bent. The feet are flat on the floor, hands can be placed on the stomach to control movement. As you exhale, raise the pelvis, simultaneously straining the buttocks and fixing the muscles of the press in tension. Hold in this position for 1-2 seconds. On inspiration - return to the starting position.


  • Works on the internal muscles of the pelvis and the press;
  • It strains the external muscles of the designated areas.


  • At the initial stage of execution, it can cause discomfort and even mild pain.

Sipping toes

Lying on a bed or on a rug, spread your straightened legs 30-40 cm, while pulling your toes towards you. When bringing the legs together, pull the toes in the opposite direction.


  • Stretches the outer thighs and calves;
  • Prevents stagnation of blood in the muscles and varicose veins.


  • At first, it will be difficult to achieve synchronicity in spreading / sliding the legs and stretching the toes.

Fitball squats

Gentle squatting option. Squeeze the fitball between the back and the wall, while exhaling, smoothly begin to bend your knees, while sliding along the fitball so that it is in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The movement begins with the pelvis, as if you need to sit on a chair. In this case, the knees do not go beyond the toes. To linger in this position for a second. Return to starting position.


  • Works on the back of the thighs;
  • Gives an indirect load to the quadriceps (upper thighs).


  • There is a risk of injury if you rush and allow the fitball to slide out from under you.

Cat back

Get on all fours with your back bent at the lower back. On exhalation, bend your back in an arc, like a cat, on inhalation, return to its original position. At the same time, the abdomen does not sag, the press is in slight tension.


  • Stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic muscles;
  • Effective for tummy tuck.


  • Contraindicated in diastasis of any stage.

Cat stretching

The starting position is as in the previous version. On exhalation - back flexion with simultaneous flexion of the elbows and movement of the shoulders and body forward until the arms are straightened, a second delay and return to the starting position on inhalation.


  • Well stretches the muscles of the lower back;
  • Indirectly involves the muscles of the chest;
  • Trains the internal press.


  • Also contraindicated in diastasis.

Swimming can be an excellent addition to this complex, provided that the internal organs are fully restored, and the gynecologist does not mind active water procedures. This combination is ideal for restoring your figure, gradually removing extra pounds, and is very helpful in eliminating stretch marks that are inevitable when losing weight.

Gentle crunches

Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, the entire surface of the foot is pressed to the floor. On exhalation, the left hand reaches to the left foot, on inhalation - return to the starting position, on the next exhalation - repeat on the right arm / leg.


  • Involves both the internal and external muscles of the press;
  • Emphasis on working out the transverse muscles of the press, which is important in diastasis - the transverse muscles "pushes" the dispersed "cubes" to each other, returning them to their original position.


  • At the initial stage, a burning sensation will be felt, the muscles may even "constrict" - in the latter case, it is better to stop right away and find another training option.

Side half-bar

Gentle side trim option. You need to lie on the floor with your legs bent at the knees, while the head and body form a straight line to the waist. The lower arm is bent at the elbow and lies under the head, the fist of the other hand rests on the floor at the level of the navel. On exhalation, raise the pelvis, leaning on the hand, which rests on the floor, on inhalation, return to the starting position. The number of repetitions on each side starts from 5.


  • Prepares the body for load in a full plank;
  • Effective for transverse abdominal muscles, deadly for sides that need to be removed.


  • In the initial stages, it can cause discomfort.

All exercises can be performed at home, which is especially valuable for mothers for a number of reasons:

  • The ability not to leave the child.Some especially advanced young ladies even use their child as a weighting agent, thus killing two birds with one stone: the baby is not bored, and the sports load progresses.
  • Saving time - it is spent directly on training, and not on the road to the gym, especially if it is not within walking distance from home.
  • Home workouts are more comfortable for those who are embarrassed about their bodies and feel squeezed and uncomfortable in the fitness room, especially if you have to go there alone, for lack of like-minded people. The home complex will allow you to strengthen muscles and lose weight, so that in the future, without hesitation, go to the gym. However, it is worth noting that the alternative to further home workouts is no worse - many achieve excellent results at home, having the very minimum of sports equipment in reserve and a great desire to return to the ideal figure.

Active training

For those who are allowed by the doctor to exercise more actively, a complex with elements of stretching and aerobics will be useful. The figure restoration training was compiled based on the feedback from those who have already tried them on themselves and are very satisfied with the result. It consists of several elements, type of load: aerobic and cardio with stretching elements. This increases the effectiveness of training: due to the constant change of load, blood circulation in the muscles increases, forcing them to work more actively. All elements are performed in order, at a fast but comfortable pace so that there is no shortness of breath. Each element is repeated 8-10 times. The training can be performed daily.

  1. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the toes are turned outward. As you exhale, we stretch our arms up, closing them above our head, as if stretching;
  2. Sliding tilts of the body to the sides from the same position, when tilting, outstretched arms are parallel to the floor;
  3. From the same starting position, make a shallow squat above the parallel of the thigh to the floor, after straightening the legs, tilt the body alternately in each direction, the hand reaches the ankle;
  4. Place your legs one behind the other, as in a normal step, the width should be comfortable so that the legs are not bent at the knees. Ascent to the toe with the leg that stands behind, arms extended forward;
  5. From the same position, the lunge forward, as with a step, the knee of the bent leg does not enter the toe and does not reach the floor a little. Return to the starting position and the same lunge back with the same leg. The number of repetitions is 10 for each leg;
  6. Turn around, put your legs as wide as possible, turn your toes out, stretch your arms forward. Perform a plie ballet squat, while the knees should not go beyond the toes and close;
  7. From the same position, start the movement with the pelvis, as if we are going to sit on a chair, while the hands are on the front of the thighs, the back is bent at the lower back. Slightly above parallel with the floor, arch your back in an arc and return to its original position.

Advantages of the complex:

  • Ideal for body restoration at home;
  • The best reviews from moms who tried it;
  • Effective for weight loss;
  • The time taken is from 15 to 30 minutes.


  • It will not immediately be possible to remember the sequence of exercises, in the first days it will take more time to train.

What happens during the execution of this complex? Almost all muscles are involved in the work, the body gradually adapts to more serious loads. After 2 weeks, it will be possible to pick up small dumbbells of 1 kg. Inexpensive dumbbells or pancakes from them, or two identical bottles filled with water - all that is required to complete the complex with weights.

After another week, the load can be increased by another 1 kg and add exercises for the press - simple twisting from a prone position in 15-20 repetitions at the end of each training will be enough. An intense pace in combination with crunches will allow you to relatively quickly remove the stomach. After 1.5-2 months, the result will be noticeable to everyone around.

You can also purchase a roller press trainer - the simplest design of a wheel and two handles. Performing crunches with this machine strengthens not only your abs, but also your back, arms and chest.This is a rather difficult exercise, it is better to start with a small number of repetitions, for example, from 8, gradually increasing them to 15-20. It is not necessary to buy an expensive simulator - according to buyers, budget options at a price of 1,200 rubles are no worse, they have the same functionality.


The mothers who are engaged in this multistage program successfully lose 5 to 15 kg of weight, many of them return to their old, "pre-pregnant" wardrobe. Another reason why all of the listed trainings were included in the review is their versatility. They can be used both for young ladies and for more mature ladies who have become mothers. You can not skip any of the stages - this will not bring the desired result, and the consequences for the fragile organism will be the most deplorable.

Why rush nature and your own body? It is enough to listen to your feelings, not ignore the doctor's advice, consistently master all stages of training - and then, after a few months, others will compliment not only the adorable child, but also his beautiful, slender mother.


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