Almost the entire population knows about instant products. Many are convinced that such a product is harmful food. However, they still do not refuse to use it, since it has its own advantages - low cost, ease of manufacture, varied taste.
The editors of the site "" have prepared for your attention a review of the best instant noodles. Consider the best types that are in high demand among the population, the quality of food, its useful and harmful sides. Let's pay attention to consumer reviews and show you how to choose the best instant product.
Fast food - is it good or bad?
The popular food today was invented many centuries ago. Back in the Middle Ages, a Chinese chef from the famous Qing Dynasty tried to fry pasta in oil so that they could be quickly cooked just before the guests arrived.
After many centuries, Japan remembered this recipe and it gained popularity again. In the forties and seventies of the last century, the Japanese Momofuku Andro did a great deal of work on improving the noodles, the result of his work was a cheap, tasty and easy-to-cook product.
The Japanese still consider instant noodles to be their great invention of the last century.
Every year, the population of the entire globe eats more than one hundred billion servings of hearty, tasty, inexpensive noodles.
And there were times when it was considered an elite product, and its price was six times higher than the cost of ordinary pasta.
The first batch of noodles was produced in Russia in 1991. Today it is sold about 56 tons per year. This product has a large number of admirers, but many of them are convinced that this is junk food.
What people fear
The most common fears of Russians:
- in the composition of pasta dishes there is an excess of salt and a taste enhancer (monosodium glutamate), to which the body quickly gets used;
- in their manufacture uses low-quality flour and vegetable oil with an expired period of use;
- contains soybeans, which are not indicated on the label;
- a synthetic dye is used in the production process, but it is not declared in the labeling;
- lack of meat, which is written on the package.
When the state organization Roskachestvo conducted research on the quality of the composition and the safety of eating food, the validity of consumers' fears was revealed.
Manufacturing process in a production environment
Currently, numerous food factories produce dry pasta briquettes with a variety of flavors.
- Instant noodles are a common cooked and dried pasta. It consists of wheat bakery flour, which preserves the structure of the product well. It is also prepared from rice or buckwheat flour, adding salty liquid to it, kneading the dough, which is then cut into thin threads. The recipe can be changed by adding starch or guar gum, natural thickeners to legumes and potatoes.
- Prepared sliced noodles are steamed at the factory, which guarantees that the prepared product will not fall apart into small pieces. The next step in cooking is to remove moisture so that the product can be stored for a long time. Drying is carried out in boiling vegetable oil, after which about 5% moisture remains in the vermicelli. The prepared product is formed into a briquette, then it is poured with boiling water and within a couple of minutes a ready-to-eat food is obtained.
- In addition to vermicelli, the package contains packets with sunflower oil, various sauces, dry natural meat, fish, seafood, vegetable sets and spices. There is also a chemical flavor enhancer, usually E621, it is called monosodium glutamate. A natural flavor enhancer is formed in cheese products, mushrooms, tomatoes, it was discovered in Japan over a hundred years ago. Previously, glutamate was produced in industry artificially, now the preference is given to bacterial fermentation, similar to the technology for making yogurt. Therefore, monosodium glutamate in the WHO is recognized as safe, it is allowed to be consumed.
What you need to know
Consumers are wondering if fast food can be eaten frequently. It is impossible to give a definite answer, because the noodles are stored for a long time and cook quickly, but it contains a small amount of useful elements. The product is lacking in protein, fiber and vitamins, which are responsible for a healthy, balanced diet. With the frequent use of dry vermicelli, it is necessary to replace the lack of elements necessary for the body with other food.
The seasoning for the product is very salty, which is especially harmful for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. However, by eating food without dry broths, you can get rid of a lot of salt.
Nutritionists warn that a quickly cooked dish should not be the basis of nutrition, it can sometimes be consumed in reasonable quantities, then it will be absolutely harmless to every organism.
Dry vermicelli is prepared almost everywhere the same, in Asian countries they like to add eggs in any form (proteins and amino acids), fresh or pickled vegetables, meat proteins. Thus, they balance the nutrients and experiment with a variety of flavors.
Fast-brew foods are low in calories when compared to other pasta-based foods. A portion of noodles weighing up to 70 grams will have 270 calories, which is significantly lower than other noodle dishes. People who constantly monitor their weight and do not want it to increase are happy to eat a dish made of noodles, but include additional proteins in their food.
Home making process
The favorite food of almost the entire population can be prepared not only in a production environment. Many families enjoy preparing dry noodles at home, adding a variety of ingredients to it. Natural food is prepared in Russian kitchens, which children like to eat during school breaks, tourists, workers on business trips. Housewives prefer to feed family members at home not with store-bought semi-finished products, but with self-prepared natural pasta.
Subtleties of manufacturing technology
The basis for fast food lovers can be self-prepared noodles with the addition of eggs, which are very easy to prepare in a dough sheeter.
The process begins with sifting the highest grade bakery flour. Then you need to knead it on eggs. The product will be tastier and more appetizing if only egg yolks are added to the flour, with which the dough will have a bright yellow color and elastic structure.
If you take wheat flour from durum varieties to prepare the product, then salty washing will not need to be done in the future, since there is no starch in this flour, which needs to be disposed of.
After kneading the dough hard, you need to set it aside for a while. While it is "resting", a noodle cutter is installed on the working surface of the table, the dough is rolled into strips up to one millimeter thick and rolled between rolls, sprinkling with flour.
When rolling is finished, you need to pass the dough through a special cutting attachment.
Heat treatment process
Dry the finished vermicelli. An ideal place for this could be a wood dryer, which you buy in a store, or your own device, made at home. If there is no such device in the house, then the noodles can be dried on a regular chair back - many housewives have adapted to this drying process. In a suitable place, the vermicelli should be no more than half an hour, otherwise it will be completely dried and begin to crumble. Steam is not required and deep frying will need to be done. This is a basic and prerequisite. If there is no deep fryer, you can use a thick-walled cast-iron dish into which oil is poured, brought to a boil, and then the prepared vermicelli is dipped there.
Before frying, dry vermicelli can be slightly wrinkled in your palms, forming a lump or ball out of it. This shape will allow you to store the workpiece in a compact state. Fry it for one or two minutes. After the appearance of a golden color, the lump is spread on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
Adding flavor
The cooled down workpiece is stored for a long time in vacuum bags, containers. When the time comes to eat the dish, it will be enough to pour boiling water over the dry product, after five minutes you can eat it.
Each housewife can add taste and make the dish appetizing and beautiful. This is a separate topic for culinary delights. The fastest, tastiest and most affordable piece of butter is considered. You can also add your favorite spices, dry mushroom, tomato, garlic additives.
Pickled vegetables and ginger, as well as any Chinese seasoning add spice to the dish. Grated cheese makes the structure of the soup more viscous.
Fast food products are very popular; they are food that, after preliminary preparation, is “steamed” in a few minutes.
Product components: tests and facts
Almost every family uses instant pasta. Convenience of food packaging, ease of preparation, a variety of flavors - all this shows interest in noodles, which in everyday life are called "doshirak".
However, there are many opponents who are unfamiliar with some of the components found in food. Let's consider the ingredients of products used by well-known Russian manufacturers: “Big Bon”, “Big Lunch”, “Doshirak”, “Red Price”, “Rollton”, we will find out how harmful they are and what their components can be dangerous for the consumer.
All pasta dishes include durum wheat flour, soybean oil, sunflower oil and a wide variety of dried vegetables. These are mixtures of onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, roots and spices.
Popular mushroom products - "Chan ramyon", pasta on natural meat broths "Rollton". Kelp is added to Doshirak, which tastes like kim chi or pork.
Each package contains the composition with the amount of salt, peppers, ginger root, cloves, nutmeg nuts, sugar.
Each package contains information about the presence of pork meat, chicken or meat broths, and other meat ingredients. In fact, these natural ingredients can only be found in Red Price, Rollton, Big Bon.
Natural products and their corresponding flavors are available:
- in vermicelli with a base of beef broth "Red Price";
- at Rollton in dried beef or chicken.
Doshirak is considered the most controversial food. There are packages on which the composition with pieces of pork is indicated, and during the examination there is a powder from pork broth.
Soy and beef extract (powder) are included in “Hearty lunch with beef flavor” instead of natural meat.
The product "Chazhang Myung", which promises a vegetable mix and meat pieces, contains only pork fat.
What we see on the label rarely matches the actual composition of the noodles. Before you buy a product, you need to carefully read its composition.
Preservatives and flavor enhancers
Flavor enhancer sodium benzoate E211 and potassium preservative E202 are found in:
- Big Bon;
- "Big Lunch" noodles with beef (hot sauce);
- "Doshirak is a hearty lunch with beef flavor."
There are no preservatives in other similar types of fast food.
Some food brands have caramel-colored ingredient E150d, which is a carcinogen that is safe in small doses.
Almost all brands contain gums (except for pasta dishes made with homemade meat broths "Rollton"), they are not harmful.
A flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate and others) is included in all products.
Eating noodles every day is not worth it, such a lunch is preferable no more than once a week.
Rating of the best brands of instant noodles
In the Asian countries of China, Korea, Japan, instant noodles are the most popular fast food. Many stores have special boilers for brewing a freshly purchased dry bag.
Russian consumers also prefer quick soups and mushroom, meat, vegetable semi-finished products. They are loved for their special taste, affordable price and instant preparation. However, it is important to understand that only high quality products are healthy for consumption.
Let's consider the best manufacturers of products of domestic and foreign manufacturers, which, in the opinion of buyers, have a high trust rating. We will point out the benefits and harms of eating pasta dishes, we will advise which brand is better to buy products.
Russian manufacturers
Doshirak Pork Flavored Noodles
The country of the brand is South Korea, it is produced in Russia.
Pasta (fast food) is a classic of the genre - delicious, high-quality and safe food and compliance with the necessary sanitary standards.
This type of vermicelli is the leader in the fast food markets. The Doshirak brand is known for its inexpensive and diverse types of non-boiling noodles; you just need to pour boiling water over it. A mixture of dry vegetables and iodine-rich sea kelp is added to the bag of noodles.
Potato starch is added to high quality flour, which helps to maintain the elasticity of the product and its shape after cooking.
Vermicelli looks like long twisted strips. A portion determined by weight is placed in a special container for brewing food. The package contains two bags - with a decoction containing seasoning in the form of spices and herbs that give the food an original flavor, and a bag with dried vegetables, which you can choose according to your wishes.
To allow the consumer to take food anywhere, a disposable food-grade plastic fork is placed in the container.
The product contains a lot of carbohydrates and fat, it helps to instantly satisfy hunger. The amount of vermicelli in a package can replace a balanced meal with more than 400 calories.
You need to prepare food in this way: pour boiling water over a container of noodles, add the contents of the bags to it and after five minutes you can start eating.
Package weight: 90 gr.
Country of origin: Russia.
Cost: 54 rubles.
- high taste;
- high-quality vermicelli;
- hearty food;
- a large amount of meat and herbs;
- large portion;
- low price.
- very sharp;
- the presence of preservatives.
Rollton Vermicelli with spicy chicken in homemade broth
Vermicelli with natural vegetables and herbs, tender egg noodles, aromatic chicken broth is a hearty and rich food. This dish can be a wonderful lunch when there is no opportunity to eat a complete meal - in the office, in nature, while traveling. High-quality vermicelli has been highly trusted by the population and has good purchasing power for many years.
It is used as an independent dish, as a basis for side dishes and salads, because it contains pieces of natural chicken. Lovers of spicy food get special pleasure from lunch.
The dish can be cooked in a few minutes, just add homemade broth and butter from bags to the noodles, pour the contents of 300 ml of boiling water, and close the box tightly with a lid. After five minutes, lunch is ready to eat.
Package weight: 60 gr.
Country of origin: Russia.
Cost: 541 rubles.
- high nutritional value;
- speed of preparation;
- a lot of greenery;
- pleasant, pungent taste.
- small packaging;
- high price.
Made in Korea
Doshirak Korean noodles with Chan ramyon spices
The noodles have an unforgettable taste, they are cooked on the Korean traditional pasta "Dan Chan". A beef-flavored dish containing sauce and dried vegetable additives.
Food is prepared within five minutes. When mixing noodles and boiling water, it interacts intensely with air. This makes it more elastic, softer, but it does not lose its shape.
The broth on which the noodles are cooked takes on the appearance of an appetizing, tasty, rich dish.
Package weight: 120 gr.
Cost: 58 rubles.
- appetizing type of dish;
- great broth;
- large portion;
- you can add different products;
- good composition;
- delicious spices.
- you need to cook in a saucepan, on the walls of which a greasy coating remains;
- no sauce;
- no disposable tableware (container and fork).
Chazhang Myung Doshirak Noodle
Ingredients: vermicelli made from premium flour, complex food additives and stabilizer "premix", with Chazhzhang sauce, which has an original flavor.
The seasoning includes granulated sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onions.
Chazhang sauce is prepared with clean water, soy sauces, potatoes, olive oil, small pieces of meat and vegetables.
The food contains gluten and processed soy products.
Step by step instructions for cooking:
- Put vermicelli in boiling water up to 600 ml, cook for five minutes.
- Drain off the hot water and leave a couple of tablespoons of liquid at the bottom of the saucepan.
- Pour the sauce from the bag into the dish and mix well.
The cooked product retains its elasticity, the taste of the dish is easily regulated by water, it turns out to be delicate, soft, slightly sweet. The pungency is not observed in the dish. Since the noodles are fresh, when soaked with sauce, they become very tasty. The broth is rich, there are many vegetables, there are pieces of meat.
If the finished dish is left without water and the sauce is added to it, it can turn out to be more astringent, with a slight bitterness.
Package weight: 200 gr.
Cost: 80 rubles.
- very tasty and thick sauce;
- large volume;
- hearty, tasty dish;
- premium noodles have a good firm consistency.
- boil noodles;
- taste for the lover of Asian cuisine;
- black sauce;
- expensive portion.
Tempura Udon Nongshim Noodles
A very nourishing, tender and soft dish made from wheat with a high starch content, in which there is a peculiarity of the thickness of the paste (the threads have a diameter of two to four millimeters).
On the basis of the pasta, you can cook delicious, aromatic dishes. Udon is served in a flavored broth with the addition of soy sauce. Nongshim's noodles are made up of seafood to enhance their original flavor:
- cuttlefish and shrimp;
- fish flakes;
- seaweed;
- vegetables and spices.
The soup is thick and rich. It is convenient to take it with you to work or to a picnic. If you add fried or stewed chicken in batter to the dish, sprinkle the soup with chopped green onions, everyone will be pleasantly surprised by a new, unusual dish.
The product can be purchased online.
Package weight: 118 gr.
Country of origin: South Korea.
Cost: 111 rubles.
- dense structure of the product;
- there is no monosodium glutamate;
- appetizing broth;
- rich taste of seafood;
- does not give the impression of fast food;
- inexpensive.
- for seafood lovers;
- not sharp.
Made in Japan
SOBA noodles with soy sauce SOBA ITSUKI
The classic dish with a pleasant, unobtrusive taste is widespread in Japan. Its ease of preparation attracts consumers to eat outdoors or in offices when there is no opportunity to eat healthy, hearty hot food.
In Japanese cuisine, preference is given to soy sauces, which are considered basic in the dish. Noodles, vegetables, and other food products go well with the neutral taste of the sauce, so it is widely popular among the Japanese.
This dish has beneficial properties: the contained antioxidants are a wonderful tool for maintaining immunity, prolonging the youth of the body.
Itsuki noodles have natural ingredients that meet the high requirements of real Japanese quality.
You can buy such a product with home delivery in online stores that specialize in the delivery of products from Asian countries.
Package weight: 161 gr.
Country of origin: Japan.
The cost is 177 rubles.
- natural ingredients;
- high quality;
- large portion;
- benefits to the body.
- lack of products in the supermarket;
- there are no significant disadvantages.
ITSUKI Udon Noodles
Seafood Udon noodles are among the most popular in Japan. It has the form of thin flat stripes in yellow or grayish color. It contains components: durum wheat flour, water and salt, which affect the gluten and elasticity of the dough.
Typically, udon is poured over boiling dashi broth, poured over with vegetable soy sauce and sweetened rice wine.
In Japan, Udon is sold in the following forms:
- freshly cooked vermicelli (chilled, rolled into a ball or ball - a ready-to-eat dish that is poured with broth or fried);
- raw vermicelli - Udon, which has not received heat treatment;
- half-baked Udon, its moisture content is no more than 33%, it is a semi-finished product;
- dried udon, which is boiled for four minutes before use, then poured with broth and covered with spices;
- Instant vermicelli is a familiar food with freeze-dried noodles poured over boiling water.
Udon Seafood Pasta is of high quality and popular with consumers. The package contains two servings of pasta with dried seafood, sauces.
Package weight: 376 gr.
Country of origin: Japan.
Cost: 320 rubles.
- large packaging;
- spicy taste of seafood;
- the presence of pieces of natural products;
- high quality;
- various spices.
- high price;
- significant were not found.
Chinese production
Chinese noodles with chicken and mushroom flavor
A popular dish that tastes like chicken and mushrooms.
The pasta dish is prepared from the highest quality refined wheat flour. The composition contains salt, vegetable oil, dehydrated vegetable mixtures. The food contains chicken and mushroom flavor.
The dish is prepared in three minutes - the dry vermicelli is poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and kept in this state for three minutes, after which the dinner is ready.
Package weight: 103 gr.
Country of origin: China.
Cost: 88 rubles.
- pleasant taste;
- fast cooking;
- quality products;
- low price.
- lack of container or cup;
- purchase only in Chinese shop stores or via the Internet.
All reviewed fast food noodles are highly trusted by customers. They sell well in supermarkets, small grocery stores, and online.